Getting this one in the mail had both of us like ‘???’ because the Temari is so different looking to our regular fare. But when we’d given it a charge and played with it a smidge, it all clicked. (Or, rather, ‘buzzed’)
The Temari is just delightful. It’s incredibly inconspicuous, pretty, quiet, AND delivers a rumble good enough for Erika. It’s rare to find something that checks so many boxes. We were both pretty taken with it as the perfect starter toy, iffffff you’re someone who can get past that price tag.
Only one of our pals seems to stock this one today, visit Early to Bed and pick one up if you’re so inclined!
Something we forgot to mention: there are THREE versions of the Tenga Temari out there, each with a different playfully patterns! Ours was called the Hana.
Buy it from one of our Friends (With Benefits)
And, finally while we much prefer and encourage you to buy from a small
business, here’s an Amazon link!