Don’t get it twisted, Hien Pham is here to help weave some fun into your bondage! Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned knot-smith, choosing the right rope can be a real challenge, we’re incredibly thankful that Twisted Monk was kind enough to send so many different ropes for todays education stip. Get eductate, buy some gear and go get knotty!
Hien’s Blog Note!
Many many MANY thanks to Twisted Monk for their generosity in sending me such a lovely care package of these quality ropes! I swear by their hemp ropes and would recommend them to everyone getting into Shibari! Their whipping (how a rope’s strands are bound together at its ends) is absolutely stunning AND they’ll even replace ropes for free if they were cut for safety reasons during play! Thank you as well to TheDuchy for all the ties I got to learn for this comic! If you’re new to buying ropes, TheDuchy has their own recommendations that pointed me in the right direction when I first started. Thank you as always to my editors for bearing with me nerding out on Shibari all the time, haha! Appreciate y’all!
Hien mentioned it in his blog post – but he’s ALSO reviewed TheDutchy here on OJST! Both of these comics go great together, so go give it a read =D Heck, give ALL of our Kink-focused-education comics a read; we’ve quite the collection now!
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Our narrator, Hien Pham, is a Southeast Asian cisgender heavyset man with a short, bushy, black beard, fuzzy body hair, and glasses. He is mostly bald on top, with the rest of his hair pulled back into a proud bun.
The Masturbateers are a fictional cast of diverse characters who demonstrates practices, positions, and techniques in Oh Joy Sex Toy comics. Today's Masturbateer is a sturdy person with a plump belly, and a bushy brown mustache with mutton chops. They have a receding hairline with the back portion of their hair pulled into a small ponytail. They have a hairy chest, arms, legs, and a smattering of hair at the bottom of their belly.
A handful of different types of bound ropes in a variety of colors and textures fill the panel. Chibi versions of Hien and the Masturbateer marvel in wonder at the ropes bundles that tower over them.
With hearts in his eyes, Hien exclaims, "Smooth nylon, cozy hemp, even sadistic wool! Ah! I’m so excited!! The wonderful folks at Twisted Monk sent me a whole heap of their handmade ropes to test and review!"
Juggling bundles of brightly colored ropes, the Masturbateer remarks, "I didn’t realize there were so many materials on the market! Is there a big difference between them?"
"Absolutely!" Hien responds confidently, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Different fibres affect not only the type of ropework you can do - but also the sensory experience of rope on skin!"
Hien continues, "Alongside looks and cost, each rope also differs in these categories:"
Title: Suspension
Image: A foot lifts upwards as a hand pulls the ropes bound around the ankle. The rope runs through a hoop suspended in the air.
Caption: Ties that lift part of or the full body off the ground are suspension - otherwise, it’s floorwork! Not all ropes are strong enough to suspend!
Title: Comfort
Image: A close-up of three different types of ropes. One is tightly coil bound, one has a brickwork design, and the other is also coil bound but much hairier.
Caption: Rough, grippy ropes have great tooth! They hold knots and vibrate better than slippery ropes, which wear smoother and gentler on the skin.
Title: Vibrations
Image: Two ropes criss-cross in a soft X, with lots of little vibration-motion lines dancing along them.
Caption: When rope is pulled against rope, the friction produces vibrations! This is a fairly subjective benchmark, but I personally believe it is quite an important pleasure to the rope experience!
Title: Hemp
Image of bundled magenta hemp rope.
Suspension: YES
Comfort: 4/5
Vibrations: 5/5
Cost: $44.99 / 30ft
Hien gets to working tying the magenta rope in a design over the Masturbateer's chest, while they narrate, "It feels soft but very solid! There’s a heft to it!"
"Right?" Hien concurs. "That heft makes it easy to work with! It’s got such good tooth and holds strong, tight knots! Hemp is my gold standard for sure! The weave’s grooves make for satisfying vibrations and beautiful marks afterward."
"Ah-mmm…" Coos the Masturbateer as the ripes tighten and vibrate. "Off to a lovely start…"
Title: Cotton
Image of cotton lavender rope.
Suspension: NO
Comfort: 4.5/5
Vibrations: 3/5
Cost: $26.99 / 30ft
Bottom Section:
Now working on the Masturbateer's forearm with a wrap of lavender rope, Hien continues, "I’ve seen far too many flat cotton ropes, but I’m impressed with how sturdy Twisted Monk’s cotton is! Cotton stretches and might get loose while tying, which I don’t personally like, but it’s still a good budget option!"
"Vibrations are duller," The Masturbateer observes, "but it also feels more forgiving to wear than hemp! I can deffo sport these for longer!"
Title: Posh
Image of posh rose rope.
Suspension: YES
Comfort: 4/5
Vibrations: 4.5/5
Cost: $29.99 / 30ft
"This spun polyester stays a tad lighter and smoother than hemp while retaining great tooth!" Hien explains as they bind the Masturbateer's ankles and loop the rope up over their black boxers and around their neck. "It’s a bit stiff to start with, but can be made softer fairly easily."
The Masturbateer chimes in, "With how affordable it is, I can see POSH making up a whole kit on its own! Though I do have to admit I miss the funky earthy smell of organic fibres."
Right Section: Nylon
Image of magenta nylon rope.
Suspension: WITH CAUTION
Comfort: 3.75/5
Vibrations: 2/5
Cost: $26.99 / 30ft
Now showing off the ropework on the Masturbateer's boxer-clad backside, Hien explains, "Nylon’s radiant colours are simply UNRIVALED! Some even react to UV light and glow in the dark! It feels solid, but wears quite smooth! Doesn’t have much tooth, though, so the vibrations aren’t great. Despite its slipperiness, nylon can be used for suspension with caution!"
"This might be my fave!" Adds the Masturbateer, showing off their roped butt harness.
Title: Wool
Image: A bundle of pale, hairy rope.
Suspension: NO
Cofort 1/5
Vibrations: 4/5
Cost: $62.99/30ft
"Wool is one of Twisted Monk's latest offerings, and I just cannot stop talking about it!" Hien exalts, eyes wide.
"Uh... Hien? There's no one we know who likes wool..." The Masturbateer adds, looking perplexed.
Hien then proceeds to tie a rope harness around his own chest as he narrates, "Putting on a Sutton wool chest harness felt like a delicious punishment. Wool is sadistically coarse and horrendously scratchy, but that unabated prickliness is the best thing about it! The fibre itches my skin, yet with every subtle movement I make it scratches that itch just enough for some relief without allowing me any lasting satisfaction."
A chibi version of Hien dressed as a lamb bounds across the page, exclaiming, "I was enthralled by the fine balance between pain and pleasure that wool managed to thread! However, I can only recommend it to those actively looking for a punishing sensory experience!"
"I love the sound of these ropes, Hien!" The Masturbateer says, but looks perplexed. "But... I'm still not sure where to start..."
Reassuringly, Hien answers, "Wool aside, you can't really go wrong! Figure out your priority, and go from there!"
An info graphic fills the page, showing a rope sample next to each title and description:
-Go NYLON if you want the most vibrant and radiant colours for your ties and harnesses!
-Value comfort most of all and not looking for suspension? Consider COTTON!
-HEMP is my number one recommendation for putting together a solid, all-around versatile kit!
-POSH is more durable than natural fibres and considerably cheaper! Perfect for suspension!
-Seasoned folks looking for a new challenging sensory experience? WOOL will definitely provide!
The rope harness now removed, Hien runs his hands over the marks left behind on his flesh while observing, "At the end of the day, the ropes are simply vessels for intimacy. Skillful hands can deliver beautiful experiences regardless of the tools, after all! As long as you have fun, whatever that means to you, that's all that really matters!"
Chasing the Masturbateer with a rope), Hien devlishly exclaims, "Now, why don't you come here and try on this wool!!"
"Eek!" The Masturbeet shrieks, with their legs spinning, "You'll have to catch me first!"
Todays comic was transcribed by the team! Come and support these transcription efforts through Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/OhJoySexToy