Whether you’re a seasoned spooner or a rookie nuzzler, Hien’s here for you.
He went deep under cover to bring you back a bear hug that’s pawsitively perfect. This is hard-hitting journalism at its finest. Truly S-tier comic.
Thank you to my friend Jacob for helping me with all the crucial research for this important comic! Important to note that this is our subjective opinions only – and only under this current beautifully chill Makuru (Noongar / Perth winter)!The cuddle positions here were composed from various lists already existing on the internet, with my main sources being this article from Healthline and Cuddle Sanctuary’s videos.
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Todays semi-autobiographical comic is made by Hein Pham. It's beautifully rendered! It has the two following characters; Hien Pham is a Southeast Asian cisgender heavy set man with a short, bushy, black beard, fuzzy body hair, and glasses. He is mostly bald on top, with the rest of his hair pulled back into a proud bun.
Jacob is a light-skinned heavy set man with a good covering of body hair and a short cut for his brown hair and trim beard.
The scene starts at night, outside of a home in Australia, rain pouring down on the clay roof tiles.
Jacob reads in bed, comfortably supported by pillows.
"What beautiful weather to read hot smut~" Jacob says as he turns the page. "Kinda reminds me of Hien's stuff, actually... Wonder what he's up to-"
"JACOB!!!" Hien exclaims as he literally kicks through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man, wearing nothing but his boxers and the sketchbook he carries in one hand. "I have compiled a list of cuddle positions and I need your help to find THE SUBJECTIVE BEST ONE!!! This could be my most important comic yet!!!"
"What are we waiting for?" Jacob replies in delight as he flings his clothing off.
Caption: BABY BEAR
Image: Hien sits on the ground with Jacob between his legs. Jacob leans back against Hien's chest, while Hien drapes one leg over Jacob's. With his left hand, Hien tousles Jacob's hair while his right rests draped across his shoulder and chest.
"This is my go-to! I love feeling all of you on my belly!" Coos Hien. "I can play with your hair... and your chest..."
"Mmmmmm" Concurs Jacob dreamily.
Caption: RANK: B+
Image: Jacob sits on the floor, slightly resting his weight behind him against his left hand. Hien reclines between Jacob's parted legs, his left thigh as a pillow. Jacob rests his right hand on Hien's chest.
"I could be really engaged in the cuddle, or be multi-tasking just chilling like this." Jacob says.
Caption: RANK: B
Image: Hien reclines with one leg up and bent at the knee. He pillows his head in the crook of his left arm, with the other hand resting on Jacob's back. Jacob is softly curled on his side, using Hien's belly as a pillow, with one hand sneakily resting under Hien's boxers on his upper inner thigh.
"I could transition into something naughty while I'm down here~" Mischievously suggests Jacob as Hien sticks out his tongue playfully.
Caption: RANK: B-
Image: Both men recline on the ground. Jacob lays on his belly, cushioning his chin over his overlapping hands. Hien lays on his back with one leg crossed over the other, resting his head on Jacob's butt.
"Both of these are really comfy, but they're not super active cuddling." Hien comments.
Caption: RANK: B-
Caption: PANCAKE
First image: Jacob lays on his belly, striking a Superman-flying-through-the-air pose with his arms outstretched. Hien lays on his back, as if he's paddling out on a surfboard.
"I quite like the pressure sensation..." Jacob says. "...but I don't like being on my belly for too long."
Second image: Hien is now laying on his belly on the floor, looking quite strained and red-faced as Jacob lays over his back perpendicularly.
"OFF YEAH I DO NOT LIKE BEING ON THE BOTTOM!" Hien Concurs in great discomfort.
Caption: RANK C
Caption: ZIPPER
Hien and Jacob lay side by side on their backs with their inner arms entwined and Hien rests his inner leg over the top of Jacob's.
"Hmm... This is sweet, but I want more." Says Hien.
Caption: RANK: C
Image: The boys lay on their opposite sides with their backs pressed together.
"Similarly light position, but somehow feels more intimate." Observes Jacob. "A good cuddle for when I don't really want to cuddle.
Caption: RANK: B-
"Oof..." Jacob says with a bit of a sweat going. "I'm getting a touch over-stimulated.
"Yeah! Sorry, this a lot to cover huh?" Says Hien as a he takes a break from writing down notes in his sketchbook.
"It's ok! I'm having fun! Wanna wrap it up with some tried-and-true positions?" Jacob asks.
Image: The two on their same sides, spooning. Jacob's belly is pressed into Hien's back, with his arm draped over his chest and leg thrown over Hien's hip and thigh area. Hien's top arm reaches back to rest on Jacob's upper thigh/butt area.
"Now this is a classic!" Exclaims Hien. "The key here is not being afraid to adjust."
"I might move my arm in a bit, but I'm happy as we are now." Jacob concludes.
Caption: RANK: A
Image: Jacob lays on his back, legs open, and head resting on his raised wrist. Hien lays on his side with his belly pressed into the side of Jacob. A pillow on Jacob's shoulder supports Hien's head, as Hien's top arm reaches around to hug Jacob across his belly.
"There's something truly so special about feeling someone resting on your chest." Observes Jacob.
"the pillow under my neck takes a little bit away from the intimacy but so worth it." Hien adds.
Caption: RANK: A
Hien and Jacob both lay on their sides, facing each other. Their top hands are entwined and Jacob lightly rests his top leg on Hien's exposed lower leg.
"If a volcano were to erupt and immortalize our skeletons like this, I'd have no complaints." Hein offers. "Despite there not being a ton of body contact, the empty space between us feels so meaningful."
caption: RANK: A-
With his eyes closed and sweating lightly, Jacob shares "I'm not so huge on eye-contact, though, I must say."
"Yeah, it is a bit intense in this position, isn't it?" Hien agrees, shyly looking away from Jacob.
"It's okay." Jacob reassures him. "Rest."
Image: Like the previous diagram, the boys lay on their sides facing each other, but now Jacob buries his head into Hien's chest and rests his top leg in between Hien's. Hien throws his top leg over Jacob's hips and gently kisses the top of his head.
"Mmm..." Hien purrs. "This is the best one."
"Agreed." Says Jacob.
Todays Comic was made by Hien Pham who can be found at: https://hienpham.artstation.com/
It was then transcribed by Erika Moen (and team) on 6/24/24
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