Bingo’s BACK! You might remember their work froma month or two back, all about their Body Image.

This week we’re lucky enough to be treated with another wonderful bit of autobio, all about how they learned to orgasm.

No links for Bingo again. But just like last time, if you tweet at us about the comic, Bingo will be able to see ’em and check them out. You made their day last time – thank you!

This past week, I took a stab at updating the last handful of comics to double pixel Retina style images. They are HUGE and I realize they can render a little oddly on older screens – but on all the double pixel screens I’ve checked out, the site now looks GOOD! Fingers crossed you like the new look too? Let me know if its terribly buggy! My plan is to try and update the older comics with the new sizes over time. I think Erika’s Twitter Flash Back Fridays will be a good excuse for me to at least update one or two a week.

I haven’t blogged about the Patreon in a while. But if you’ve been enjoying these guest comics we’ve been hiring and making while we simultaneously work on the books AND you enjoy our regular comics, consider dropping us a buck or two on Patreon. It means the world and keeps us going. This year we’re not doing a Kickstarter (as we build up material for the next book), so your help will be felt double. Also, Erika’s gone plant crazy, so if watching a comic artist fall into garden madness gets you excited – it’s a good time to sign up!

↓ Comic Transcript
Figuring Out How To Orgasm by Bingo

Bingo is a full-figured anthropomorphic female badger. She has big, kind sympathetic eyes and a big, curvy body. The comic is toned with dusty oranges and browns.

NARRATION: Despite growing up in what I'd call a sex-positive household, it took me forever to start trying to figure out my bits. The first time I ever tried to see what was goin on down there, I got confused trying to find the hole.

IMAGE: Bingo sits on her bed with her hand between her legs, looking confused.

NARRATION: And then I worried that God saw me and was disappointed, even though my family isn't religious?

IMAGE: Bingo looks up at the sky anxiously, sweating profusely.

NARRATION: And I didn't try again for several years.

""Sorry, God."" Bingo says in bed with her blanket tucked up to her chin, still looking anxious and guilty.

NARRATION: In my late teens I found myself a boyfriend, and we'd try to have ""phone sex"" like people on TV were always doing.

""What are you wearing?"" The voice in the phone asks, and Bingo replies, ""Oh you know, sexy lace lingerie...""

CAPTION pointing to the reveal of Dingo on top of her bed in a t-shirt and regular underwear: (Dingy T0shirt that hadn't been washed in weeks and was full of holes)

""What are YOU wearing?"" She asks her boyfriend through the phone.

NARRATION: I'd gotten the impression from media made by cis fellas who must not be very good at sex that the clitoris was a mysterious, possibly fictional organ, so I wasn't sure I had one.

""Are you rubbing your clit?"" The voice in the phone asks.
""Oh yeah."" Bingo replies, looking a bit wall-eyed and concentrating.

CAPTION: (Actually just mashing stuff at random)
IMAGE: Bingo's hand desperately patting and waving around between her legs.

NARRATION: I had no idea what an orgasm felt like.

""Are you cumming?!"" The phone voice demands.
""Yeah... Yep..."" Bingo replies, obviously not cumming and looking sleepy.
CAPTION: (Has been falling asleep for half an hour)

NARRATION: Eventually in university, I did figure out where my clitoris was and that yes, it was a real thing that people have.

""Ah! A hard little bean, I see."" Bingo announces while sitting up in bed with her leg between her hands.

NARRATION: But I still didn't really enjoy touching that zone, since all that happened was I rubbed it for an hour then fell asleep.

IMAGE: Bingo dead asleep and drooling with her hand down her underwear.

NARRATION: This led me to believe that I was perhaps incapable of orgasming.

""It's fine, I'm sure orgasms aren't that great anyway."" Bingo shrugs.


NARRATION: I still had fun during sex, mostly because I really liked when other people got off, so I wasn't overly concerned about figuring out how to orgasm for many, many years, despite the best efforts of some of my partners.

""I'm gonna be the one to make you cum for the first time because my dick is so powerful!"" Announces a lizard man as he confidently pounds away at a happy-enough Bingo.

""I mean, if you want,"" She shrugs. ""But we could also go to bed.""

NARRATION: After University, I finally bought my first vibrator...

IMAGE: Bingo holds a small wand with a rounded end triumphantly in her hand.

NARRATION: ...Which basically just left me with a bruised zone and further conviction that I was simply a person couldn't orgasm.

IMAGE: A repeat of the image of Bingo asleep with her hand down her underwear, but now a vibrator is sticking out of there too.

NARRATION: But thanks to Oh Joy Sex Toy, I found out there are some vibrators that are far more powerful, and perhaps that's what I was missing all along.

""Some people can't orgasm from weak little vibes."" A tiny Erika says from inside Bingo's 90's-style computer monitor, while also holding up a giant wand with a big old head on it. ""Try out the BIG LAD.""

""All right, Erika, if you insist."" Bingo responds to her monitor.

Sitting on the floor with an opened box and packing peanuts spilled out, Bingo holds a big vibrator and says, ""I got the Big Vibe.""

NARRATION: Finally, I was so close...
IMAGE: Bingo cups her breast while pressing the vibrator's round head against her vulva.

NARRATION: I just let go and allowed myself to freely experience whatever my body was going to do...
IMAGE: Bingo opens her mouth wide as she squinches her eyes shut. And then suddenly, her eyes snap back open as a hint of a splash flicks at the bottom of the panel.

""Wow,"" Bingo observes with wide, haunted eyes at the giant puddle she is now laying in. ""Guess I'm a squirter.""

NARRATION: I figured it out eventually, much to my own horror.

""OH MY GOD I PISSED MYSELF"" Bingo says in wall-eyed horror.


NARRATION: But I didn't let that stop me!
IMAGE: Bingo holds her vibrator aloft with determination.

NARRATION: And after many more attempts, it ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
IMAGE: Bingo's eyes are squeezed tight, her mouth gapes open, and her hand clenches into a fist as wavy colored strokes emanate off of her.

NARRATION: I was not someone who couldn't cum. I was just someone who needed like, an hour, and an intense vibrator, and a completely dark room with no distractions, but not so dark that I'd fall asleep.

IMAGE: Bingo holds her hand up in the ""OK"" sign making a face that is impossible to describe but it's awesome.

NARRATION: Easy peasy.

NARRATION: However, it did get easier with time, and soon I was having more intense orgasms with much less buildup. So next, of course, was trying it out with a partner. There were several barriers in the way of that happening:


""I can't do it while you're watching!"" Bingo says to her cat partner as she recoils away with the vibrator between her legs. ""Pretend you aren't here!!""


The cat kisses and caresses Bingo's breast as she covers her eyes in and opens her mouth in pleasure, moaning, ""I think I might be... close..."" But then her eyes snap open as she remembers, ""Oh. Wait. I remembered we have to do laundry later and the horniness is gone.""


With one hand Bingo covers her partner's face while the other holds her vibrator in place between her legs as she rambles, ""Oh my god I'm sorry it's taking so long, you can go to sleep, I'm not even horny anymore, I just feel bad and we should never try this again!""

NARRATION: Even after I'd been able to get past those barriers and orgasm with a partner in the room, there were yet more barriers when it came to having a partner do it for me.

A bear holds Bingo's vibrator up at her invitingly, telling her, ""I wanna try!""

""If you're really sure. Good luck down there."" She responds flatly.


""A little to the left..."" Bingo directs her Bear as they hold the vibrator against her vulva.

""TOO MUCH!!"" She exclaims with vibrational energy exploding off of her.

""Okay now you're just on top of the hole. Let's try again later."" She explains calmly to her poor Bear who really is just trying their best.



""Haha, my arm's getting tired!"" The Bear apologetically laughs as they shake out their hand.

""Oh no, I'm sorry!"" Apologizes Bingo, looking embarrassed and worried. ""You shouldn't have to deal with this, I can just take care of myself later."" She explains while frantically reaching for the vibrator and then flinging it away. ""Time for bed now!""

CAPTION: And the trickiest of all: FEAR

As they hold her in a loving hug, Bingo wails miserably, ""I'm so sorry my body is weird.""

Holding them at arm's length, she looks sadly into their eyes as she explains, ""And you shouldn't worry too much about gettin me there, I don't want you to have to work so hard for something so trivial!""

""But I WANT to."" They reply simply. ""I love you, and you make ME feel good all the time. I want you to feel that too.""

""But it takes FOREVER."" She wails again.

Now looking determined and holding out a length of rope, the Bear continues, ""Oh hush. Here, I'm typing you up and I'm not stopping until I've made you come.""

""Okay..."" Bingo replies, looking at the rope, scrutinizing it.

Now tied to the four-poster bed, she warns the Bear, ""But it's NOT gonna work!""

""We'll see about that."" The Bear replies with a naughty look and turning on the vibrator.

CAPTION: Forty Minutes of Dedication Later:

With her eye balls bugging out and energy radiating off of her, Bingo exclaims, ""AH FUCK!! DANG!!! WOW!!!!!""

NARRATION: It had been somewhere around 5 years since I had my first orgasm, and though *I* never thought it'd happen, a partner managed to give me one.

NARRATION: It's still a rare occurrence, but that boundary has been crossed, and it'll only get easier from here.

""Dang that was nice"" A wall-eyed Bingo says in delirium as her Bear snuggles against her.

""That's how you make me feel all the time."" The Bear replies contentedly while Bingo stares into space with pure bliss on her face.

Transcribed 6/24/2024