Our Kickstarter, is now ON, from the 1st to the 31st. If you’ve ever enjoyed our work, and wanted a pure sex education comic book to pass on, we’ve got the perfect Kickstarter for you. No joke – this is the book we’ve been wanting to make every year of Oh Joy Sex Toy, and only now have we covered enough subjects to make it happen. CHECK IT OUT!
I can’t begin to tell you how nerve-wracking hitting ‘GO’ on a Kickstarter is. The accumulation of SO MUCH WORK and the finger crossed feel of expectation and promise. Big MOOD guys, big mood ;D
Our Kickstarters are a big deal for us. We plan everything out according to how well they do – Oh Joy Sex Toy only manages to keep updating as long as the Kickstarter does well to set us up for the rest of the year. This is our Fund Drive – our yearly reach out. The money we make from this becomes a business war-chest. It goes back to hiring guest artists, paying the business bills and if there’s every anything left over – literally feeds us. While the Patreon and sex toy sales keep us afloat, the Kickstarter pulls us out the water entirely. It would mean the world to us if you backed us and pre-ordered a book, and help us keep on doing what we do.
If your keen on doing some promotion on twitter or where ever, I’ve got a bunch of images made up for you. Check it out!
A Repository or Promo Images Here!
If your a reviewer, with a solid following, I’ll be more than happy to share with you a reviewers-pdf of the book. Just email me (matthew daniel nolan at g mail) with links to your social media =D