A wonderful slice of autobio from Robin Gray this week about body image, self-perception, and trying things outside your comfort zone. Robin opens up and shares with us her hard-to-shake personal feelings about her body and how seeing perceived flaws from a new and different angle helped her see them differently.
Sharing stories publicly like this is always incredibly tough to do and we’re deeply thankful for getting the chance to post it. Robin is wonderful – make sure you let her know!
It’s still November so I get to keep preaching about Erikas News ;D

The Erika Moen Monthly Patreon
The OJST per-Comic Patreon
A few weeks back, Erika released her new PATREON!!!!
And with it, we’ve now got two of these going at the same time, one just for Oh Joy Sex Toy (our sex-positive community comic project!) and the other for just Erika Moen!
You can read up about the decision to make the split over here in Erika’s mega post!
As ever, BOTH Oh Joy Sex Toy AND Erika’s work survive purely on your Patronage and direct support. If you’re not already a supporter – please consider dropping us a buck or two on either Patreon and getting TONS of bonus, exclusive content in exchange. It’s vital to keeping this project alive and going <3