Brand Spankin’ New by Phine/KantaChibli
on 11/15/2022 at 12:02 am- Comic »
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Phine (aka KantaChibli) is here today with a lovely slice of autobio all about spanking! She shares the tentative steps of someone who gets cold feet and is lovingly shown the ropes by her new partners. A huge thank you to Phine this week, for opening up and sharing this lovely little snippet of her life and introduction to the wonderful world of spanking. Hopefully she comes back and gives us all an update in the future =D
In the meantime, if you’re craving even more BDSM-focused comics from OJST; check out our hefty back catalog!
(And heck, if you’ve got a story or two and can draw comics; we’re always on the hunt for comics like today’s!)
Find Phine, and let her know she’s the bee’s knees.
Read on for our current HOT NEWS!

The Erika Moen Monthly Patreon
Erika JUST released her new PATREON!!!!
We’ve now got two of these going at the same time, one just for Oh Joy Sex Toy (our sex-positive community comic project!) and the other for just Erika Moen!
You can read up about the decision over here, in Erika’s mega post!
As ever, BOTH Oh Joy Sex Toy AND Erika’s work survive purely on your Patronage and direct support. So grab yourself some exclusive content and keep this independent comics and art afloat.