Gosh guys, what else is there to say here that Erika hasn’t gone over in the comic this week?
I guess I’ll take up this opportunity and tell you about the Volume 3 Kickstarter.
It went live only YESTERDAY and got funded in under five hours. That’s so crazy and amazing. If you’ve backed us on there already, a massive thank you. It’s incredible seeing how many of you want our books or want to support our comic. It means the world.
If you haven’t backed us… well, get to it! This is the best chance you’ll get for the whole year to pick up some books AND support Oh Joy Sex toy at the same time.
I know today’s update is a little bit PR heavy, but if you’re not looking for books and STILL want to help us, we’d absolutely appreciate it if you helped spread the word. We’ve got some handy posts that are already ready to be re-tweeted/tumbled/facebooked/interneted, so go nuts!