Bit of a short update. Erika and I are on our 5th… 6th…? week of quarantine and the mood keeps fluctuating. When we sat down this week to come up with a comic, we both felt… drained. Or sober… maybe reflective – I’m not sure what the right word is for what we’re all feeling right now. Regardless, we decided to do a little bit of autobio instead of our usual fare.
This is us. This is our day-to-day during the pandemic.
While our work life hasn’t changed that much, we did have to postpone the Kickstarter for our next Drawn to Sex book, which was a big bummer but necessary. We’re looking forwarding to launching it this May, though!
We hope the comic finds you healthy and doing well! We can do this, all of us. <3 Love to you and yours.