Hey everyone, thanks so much for reading this very personal story of mine. It’s something I’ve dealt with for a long time, realizing that what my late mother did was wrong and really affected how I grew up. I’ve come out of it all as a better person and now I draw porn for work!

Matthew here with a bonus link:
Jey has their own Catagory now! So click on over for more amazing Jey comics!

↓ Comic Transcript
Caption: 20 years ago when I was 11...

A young child with black hair pulled back into a ponytail and wearing glasses approaches a middle-aged woman who is sitting at breakfast table and reading a book.

""Mom, can you sign this for me?"" Asks the young Jey, handing their mom a form that says ""SEX-ED PERMISSION"" along the top.

""What is it, dear?"" The mom replies sweetly.

The mother reads the paper as Jey answers, ""It's a permission form for sex-ed at school."" The mother's face darkens and she instinctively scrunches the paper in her hands.

""I have a phone call to make."" Announces the mom as she practically leaps from her chair with determination, marching away from her stunned child. ""You got and play now.""

Young Jey sits in the corner drawing in their sketchbook with a model dinosaur and Pokémon ball beside them. They furtively look over their shoulder at their mother raging into a land line phone, chewing someone out.

page 2
Now returning back to Jey, she places her hands on their shoulders reassuringly as she says, ""Don't worry honey, I'll tell you all you need to know."" She grips a bit harder as she adds, ""I know what's best for you.""

Sitting across from each other in hard, wooden chairs, the mother explains to a terrified Jey, ""Sex is bad. Sex is painful. And it will make you bleed. I don't want you to have sex until you're married. Understand?""

Jey nods.

Emphasizing with a stern finger point, she adds, ""I want you to stay pure until then. And once you hit puberty we'll talk about your period and bras.""

The distance between young Jey and their mom is wide and empty as the narration explains, ""My mother passed away right before I hit puberty.""

page 3
Caption: I was left scared in my own changing body.

Three versions of a young Jey floats naked through a void, each one aged a little older than the previous. They progressively huddle more protectively in on themselves as they age, the last one clenched tight into a little ball.

A young Jey wonders, ""Is this normal?""

Caption: All alone.

""Am I dying?"" worries another Jey.

Caption: I didn't know. I had no one to ask.

Jey, now in their early 20s, stands with two friends. Jey has scruffy black hair, glasses, and wears a baggy hoodie over their black t-shirt. Jey looks anxious as their friends talk enthusiastically about boobs and sex.

Caption: So I hated my body.

As the friends continue chatting and making jokes about Naughty Stuff, Jey grows progressively more uncomfortable and angry.

Caption: And I hated the idea of being intimate with anyone. I was so scared and confused.

""NO!"" Jey explodes, startling their friends. ""Don't you know that sex is bad?!""

Jey's friends beat a hasty retreat, leaving them alone, crestfallen.

Caption: I just didn't know anything else.

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Jey shuffles along sadly, outside a group of their peers who are engaged in a lively conversation.

Caption: I felt so isolated and uneducated amongst my peers.

Another person with a black bob of hair bursts into the scene, waving down Jey, who looks surprised.

Caption: Until I met my partner, Michelle.

""Sex isn't bad,"" Michelle gushes enthusiastically as xey throw an arm over a stunned Jey's shoulder. ""it's not evil and it doesn't have to be painful!""

Caption: Who opened my eyes to a new and sexy world.

Slyly, Michelle passes Jey a small, slim object that resembles a lipstick (helpfully labelled ""Bullet Vibe""), while telling them, ""If it's not your jam that's okay. But I bought you this, y'know in case you do want to give it a shot.""

""Oh!"" Gulps an astonished Jey as they tentatively accept it.

We transition to a scene of Jey topless in bed with the covers pulled up to their shoulders. They look quizzically at the buzzing toy in their hand. Apprehensively they rustle it under the covers, shimmying it around where we cannot see.

And then they explode.

Not literally, but their reaction is one of wide-eyed shock, leaving their mouth agape and cheeks blushing as stars and sparkles dance around their face.

Page 5
Now on a rooftop, a fully-clothed Jey hollers into a megaphone to any and everyone around, ""HEY DID YOU KNOW?! SEX ISN'T BAD! IT'S PRETTY FREAKING AMAZING!""

""Yeah we know, can you get off me roof?"" Asks a tired old man.

Narration: It took some time, but I was inspired to go back and re-teach myself sex-ed. Sites like Scarleteen and Oh Joy Sex Toy really helped me learn about my body and things I was too scared to read about growing up.

""Oh, so the outside part isn't the vagina too? Huh."" Jey muses as they study the sex-ed sites on their computer screen.

Narration: I talked with my partner and learned my likes and dislikes, going at a comfortable pace.

""Is that okay?"" Michelle asks as they rest their hand on Jey's thigh. The two of them sit fully clothed, side by side and cross-legged.

""Yeah~"" Jey replies with nervous delight.

""It took me a long time to unlearn what I thought sex was, but I made it in the end."" Present-day Adult Jey tells us from their home workspace with enthusiasm. Their hair is closely cropped and while they still sport their same glasses, they now wear a black long-sleeve shirt and jeans. On their various monitors we can see different genitalia and a dildo sits to the side on their desk. ""Sex isn't a bad thing. It's not impure, and it doesn't have to be painful. It's not for everyone but I'm glad I learned it was for me!"""