Haha, oh dang, so Oh Joy Sex Toy is up for two local polls! If you live in Oregon and would like to vote for my work, here they are:
Oregon Book Awards: Readers’ Choice Award
“Oh Joy Sex Toy, Volume 2” is a finalist under the “7. Graphic Literature” category.This one comes with a cash prize of an undisclosed amount! Help me make it rain the next time I go to Devil’s Point!!! Also of note, pretty sure my book is the only one that was self-published through crowdfunding, all the other finalists came from traditional publishers with established budgets. So that’s kinda neat :)
Voting ends April 5th.
Willamette Week’s Best of Portland 2016
In the Personality/Media section, there is a category for Best Local Blog. I’d be honored if you wrote in “Oh Joy Sex Toy, ohjoysextoy.com” and equally delighted if you cast your vote for my Portland friend Terri Nelson’s blog documenting her research trip to the Antarctica, “Polar South, polarsouth.com”
Voting ends March 31st.
Thank you so much if you decide to cast a vote my way! And it’s cool if not! YOU DO YOU, FRIEND.