We’re in the lead up to Valentine’s 2021, time to start gettin’ romantic.

Today BonerBob is here with a sweet tease of a comic. Atmospheric, human, and lovely look at the longing of our imaginations and the reality of actually being alone with your crush. A slice of life that I feel like we’ve all been through, maybe even more so during the quarantine.
I hope you all enjoy it! Do make sure to go say hello to BonerBob on their social. They’re currently working on another comic for us that I think is an absolute delight.

Next week we’ve got a smuttier comic to really land the valentines with. After that, it’s open sky. Erika and I are gonna get a few reviews done and, hopefully, I’ll have a few guests hand in some comics. A reminder that we’re always hiring for comics!

If you’re looking for last minute sexy gifts for Valentines, check out our Best-of-2020 Comic here!